Topsoil Loose

Topsoil Loose

Topsoil Loose

It has become increasingly difficult to source, consistent high quality topsoil. Our topsoil comes from Freeland Horticulture. Freeland has over the last few years, used its knowledge and expertise to create a high quality, consistent, cost effective topsoil.
All Freeland�s topsoil complies with the industry standard BS3882 and CLEA limits on heavy metals and hydrocarbons. Each site creates the topsoil using quarry overburden, sand and organic matter in a controlled blending process. The soil is used extensively in the landscaping and restoration industry and with the new strict guide lines for topsoil within the NHBC warranty Freeland�s soil is now used on many housing projects

Chemical Analysis

The soil adheres to the industry requirements and full chemical and physical analysis is undertaken on a regular basis. This includes contamination assessments which are now required by developers and meets the parameters presented by Landscape Architects.

Physical Analysis

The soil possesses a sandy loam texture which makes it suitable for use in a variety of planting and landscaping applications. It also provides a number of technical and physical benefits when selected on landscape projects. Air and water filled porosity values for sandy loam can generally be as much as 45% allowing the product to drain at x10�6m/s. This ensures the percolation rate meets the needs of trees and shrubs and prevents water logging, the most common reason for plant failure.

Additional Benefits

With the addition of organic matter, Freeland soils possess elevated levels of humus which gives structure and stability to the material, whilst acting as a reservoir for water and essential plant nutrients which release over a long period of time.
Soils possessing a sandy loam texture, can, to a degree, be handled during adverse weather conditions without destroying the structure, which is so important during the winter months.

No. of m3 Approx weight (Tonnes) Topsoil Price (£) inc. VAT
1   £60.00
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